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【志願服務 Q&A

Volunteering Q&A


Q1: 請問如何申請志工服務時數?

Q1: How do I apply for volunteer hours?

A1: 105學年服務學習實施辦法修正後,攸關服務學習制度上的變革為「畢業門檻」及「志願服務申請方式」二項。前述資訊,服學中心已陸續於網頁最新消息、學務會議與導師會議等重要場合中宣達;但因本次制度修改後,校務資訊系統的操作方式也隨之有所更動,須由服務督導老師(校內老師或行政同仁)與同學溝通並了解其志工服務內容後,於校務資訊系統中登錄申請與審核認證。以下提供申請之重點提示,附件資料中謹附:u「申請系統詳細操作說明」,與v「志願服務紀錄冊相關事項」等資料,請老師與同仁們參閱附件檔案。

A1: Reforming the service learning system concerns two items: “graduation requirements” and “methods of applying for volunteering” following the revision of the Implementation Guidelines for Service Learning in the 2016 academic year. The Service Learning Center has consecutively posted the aforementioned information on the latest news section of its website, and promoted it at student affairs and homeroom teachers’ meetings. However, the ways to operate the Application System have changed due to this revision of the system. A volunteer supervisor (a faculty or staff member of the University) must communicate with a student about the contents of service, register an application, and review certification in the Application System. The following provides tips for making an application, while two documents are attached: u Detailed Instructions for Operating the Application System and v Matters Related to the Volunteer Service Record Book. A faculty member and a student shall refer to the attachments.



Please choose whether or not you will enter volunteer hours in the Ministry of Health and Welfare’s volunteer service record book first:


1. []申請與認證皆須簽核,依本校志願服務計畫,採「先申請,後認證」方式執行。

  1.  [Yes]: Both application and certification need to be signed and approved. According to the University’s Volunteering Project, “an application should be made before certification is performed”.
    Step I: Have an application signed and approved
  1. 申請路徑:校務資訊系統-申請-學務申請作業-志工服務申請作業。
    (1) Path: Application System – Application – Applications related to student affairs – Application for volunteering
    (2) Add an application: Application for volunteering – click the Add an application button
    (3) Whether or not to enter this application in the volunteer service record book: please tick [Yes]
    (4)填寫申請表各項欄位: (督導人聯絡電話、志工服務地區、服務性質、服務方案名稱、服務機構名稱、志工服務種類、志工服務期程與時),並依序將服務內容服務前訓練紀錄督導人員附件上傳等項資料完成,資料確認後請送出,待簽核後,完成服務,再進行第二關認證程序。
    (4) Fill in all the fields in the application form: (supervisor’s phone No., service area, nature of service, project title, host organization, type of volunteering, and service duration), complete information on service contents, pre-service training record, supervisor, and attachment upload in order, and confirm and send the application. After the application has been signed and approved, and the service has been completed, please proceed to step II to complete the certification procedure.
    Step II: Have volunteer hours certified
    (5)填寫志工服務認證名冊 (系統會自動帶出是否有志願服務紀錄冊),上傳勤缺紀錄表評核表等資料,並請學生於校務資訊系統填寫心得記錄
    (5) Fill in the volunteer service certification registry (the system will automatically show whether or not there is a volunteer service record book), upload the Attendance Record and Performance Evaluation Form, and ask students to enter the Review Record into the Application System.
    (6) Fill in information on service cases and upload 4 achievement photos.
    (7) Confirm and send the information. After the information has been successfully reviewed and approved, a service hour form will be created for those with a volunteer service record book. A supervisor may notify a student about printing the service hour form in the Service Learning Center.
    2. [No]: (A supervisor) can enter and certify volunteer hours (Entering the data after the completion of the service is recommended.)
    (1) Path: Application System – Application – Applications related to student affairs – Application for volunteering
    (2) Add an application: Application for volunteering – click the Add an application button
    (3) Whether or not to enter this application in the volunteer service record book: please tick [No]
    (4)填寫申請表各項欄位: (督導人聯絡電話、志工服務地區、服務性質、服務方案名稱、服務機構名稱、志工服務種類、志工服務期程與時間),並依序將服務內容服務前訓練紀錄督導人員附件上傳等項資料完成,資料確認後請送出。
    (4) Fill in all the fields in the application form: (supervisor’s phone No., service area, nature of service, project title, host organization, type of volunteering, and service duration); complete information on service contents, pre-service training record, supervisor, and attachment upload in order, and confirm and send the application.
    (5) Fill in the volunteer service certification registry, upload the Attendance Record and Performance Evaluation Form, and ask students to enter the Review Record into the Application System.
    (6) Fill in information on service cases and upload 4 achievement photos.


          (7) Confirm and send the information to complete the certification of volunteer hours.


Q2: 請問申請學期間是否包含寒暑假服務的時間?

Q2: Does an application for volunteering during term time include winter/summer vacation?

A2: 學期間或寒/暑期的服務計畫可分別申請

A2: You can apply for either a term-time or a winter/summer volunteering project.


Q3: 在校內或校外服務,要如何申請?

Q3: How do I apply for an internal or external volunteering project?

A3: 參閱校內或校外單位的志工召募訊息,校內單位可逕自向該單位報名,校外則依公布資訊報名。校內時數由運用單位登錄,校外時數則請同學洽詢依為校內師長幫忙登錄。

A3: Please refer to a volunteer recruitment announcement made by an internal or external volunteer service team. For the former, you can apply directly to an internal volunteer service team. For the latter, please apply in accordance with the announcement. Data on volunteer hours done for an internal volunteering project will be entered by the corresponding volunteer service team. A student should ask an internal faculty member to help him/her enter the data on volunteer hours done for an external volunteering project.


Q4: 我忘了在服務前申請,可以完成服務後補認證志工服務時數嗎?

Q4: If I forget to make an application before I start a volunteering project, can I have my volunteer hours certified after I complete the project?

A4: 需要登錄於志願服務紀錄冊之服務活動需於事前2週提出申請,若未事先申請之服務計畫,不予受理登錄於志願服務紀錄冊,但仍可列計為文藻服務時數。

A4: An application for activities that need to be entered in a volunteer service record book should be made 2 weeks prior to the certification. If an application for a volunteering project is not made in advance, volunteer hours will not be entered in the volunteer service record book. However, they will be included in Wenzao’s volunteering project.


Q5: 到哪查自己過去的志工/服務時數紀錄呢?

Q5: Where can I check my volunteer/service hour record?

A5: 資訊服務入口網站校務資訊系統查詢學務資訊查詢學生歷年社團活動紀錄

A5: Information Service → Application System → Inquiry → Student affairs information → Student club activity recrod


Q6: 如果校外或校內完成志工服務,什麼時候才能被登入時數呢?

Q6: When will my volunteer hours be entered after I complete an internal or external volunteering project?

A6: 校內單位完成服務時數資料登錄,且服務同學之服務心得已完成登錄後,由申請單位送出即可完成時數登錄。

A6: After an internal volunteer service team enters data on your volunteer hours and you enter your review, your volunteer hours will be sent and the data entry will be completed.


Q7: 畢業生若有未完成的志工服務時數,無法使用校務資訊系統者,可以尋求何種方式申請?

Q7: If a graduate has yet to complete his/her volunteer hours, but doesn’t have access to the Application System, how can he/she make an application?


A7: Please visit the Download section of the Service Learning Center’s website, download all forms under “II. Application form for an external volunteering project for students who delay their graduation (and therefore have no access to the Application System)”, and send your application to the Center after you complete all the forms.


Q8: 若我已完成台北e大基礎訓練與12小時特殊訓練,該如何請領內政部志願服務記錄冊及登錄服務記錄?

Q8: If I have completed Taipei e-Campus’s basic training and the 12-hour special training, how shall I obtain the Ministry of the Interior’s volunteer service record book and have my service record entered?

A8: 服學中心每學期均會進行基礎訓練與特殊訓練時數結算,將會製作產生符合資格同學之志願服務紀錄冊,並通知同學至服學中心領取。

A8: The Service Learning Center will calculate the hours done for basic and special training every semester, create volunteer service record books for qualified students, and notify them to collet these record books in the Center.


若有問題需詢問請洽詢 陳德益先生(07-3426031 #2292100292@mail.wzu.edu.tw

           賴姿潔小姐(07-3426031 #2294100074@mail.wzu.edu.tw 

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact

                                             Mr. Darren Chen (07-3426031 #2292100292@mail.wzu.edu.tw)

                                            Ms. Tzu-Chieh Lai(07-3426031 #2294100074@mail.wzu.edu.tw)